The Correlation Between The Third Year Students Reading Habit And Simple Past Tense Mastery Toward Their Ability In Reading Comprehension Narrative Text at Bung Hatta University


  • Putri Atika Maha
  • Adzanil Prima Septi
  • Fitrina Harmaini


This research was aimed at finding out whether correlation between the third year students’ reading habit and simple past tense mastery toward their ability in reading comprehension narrative text. The hypothesis of this research was that there was a significant correlation between The Third Year Mastery Students Reading Habit And Simple Past Tense Toward Their Ability In Reading Comprehension Narrative Text at Bung Hatta University.

            The number of population was 52 students. That were distributed into two groups; A and B. The researcher used simple random technique.The researcher gathered the data by using questionnaire to identify students’ reading habit, a test to measure students’ simple past tense mastery and a reading test to measure students’ ability to comprehendnarrative  text. To analyze the data, the researcher used the Person Product Moment Formula and Double Correlation Formula.

            After analyzing the data, this study found that the value of coefficient of three variables was 0.98 and f- counted was 320.1(α  0.05) and the degree of freedom (df) n-k-1 (18), value of f- table was 2.093 (see appendix 29). It means that f- counted (320.1) was bigger that f- table (2.093). Therefore, the relationship between three variables, simple past tense, reading habit andcomprehend was significant. It means that the alternative hypothesis stating “is there anysignificantcorrelation between The Third Year Students Reading Habit And Simple Past Tense Mastery Toward Their Ability In Reading Comprehension Narrative Text at Bung Hatta University” was accepted.

            Learning from the result, there was a significant correlation between students’ simple past tense mastery and their reading habit toward their ability in comprehending narrative text at Bung Hatta University studens. It can be concluded that the reading habit less influence students’ ability incomprehending narrative text, and reading habitcan influence their ability incomprehending narrative text. Because of that, teachers should consider these both aspects in teaching and learning process, especially to reading narrative text.


Key Word: Reading, Reading comprehension, Narrative


