Improvement of learning outcomes of fourth grade students on learning IPS through Index Card Match model at SDN 02 Kampung Olo Padang.


  • Y Bergita Piona
  • Nurharmi . .
  • M . Tamrin


Executive Summary
Piona, Y. Bergita. 2018. Improvement of learning outcomes of fourth grade students on learning IPS
through Index Card Match model at SDN 02 Kampung Olo Padang. Department of PGSD. Bung Hatta
Learning outcomes are the changes of self-existing students, both those involving cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor aspects as a result of learning activities (Susanto 2014). "IPS is one of the
subjects given in elementary schools that examine a set of events, facts, concepts, and generalizations related
to social content (Gunawan 2016: 51). Index Card Match learning model is one of interesting learning model
and can improve students thinking power beside that Index Card Match model is a learning model that is not
easy for teachers to make cards which is interesting to be observed by students. With this, researchers
conducted this study with the aim to improve student learning outcomes in the aspects of cognitive and
Subjects in this study were the fourth graders of SDN 02 Kampung Olo Padang, amounting to 28
students consisting of 16 male students and 12 female students. In this study, researchers used several
instruments to collect data, namely: Observation Sheet Teacher Activity, Observation Sheet Student Affect
Aspect, Student Study Result Sheet Cognitive Sphere.
Student learning outcomes in cycle I still have not reached the target of success indicator. Student
learning outcomes in the first cycle with the completeness persetase 57.14% and the average value of 72.85
while on the second cycle with the percentage mastery 78.57% and the average value 83.57. So at the end of
the first cycle the percentage of student learning outcomes is 57.14%. At the end of the seco nd cycle
increased to 78.57% .This is because teachers are able to master the learning in implementing the Index
Card Match learning model. From result of analysis and discussion hence action hypothesis acceptable.
Based on the results of the analysis obtained from the research, it can be concluded Research shows
that there is an increase in the final test of the cycle, in cycle I, students with a percentage of 57.14%
completeness with an average of 72.85 increased in cycle II with the percentage mastery 78.57 % with an
average of 83.57 Research shows that there is an increase in learning outcomes at the affective level is on
the first cycle with an average of 53.57%. Increased in cycle II with an average of 69.41%
Keywords: Index Card Match Model, Learning Result, IPS


