Perception of Village Devices and Society to Empowerment Program in the Distric Koto Tangah City of Padang. Thesis. Civic Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • . Pebriyenni
  • . Nurharmi


Society empowerment is a process of building a human or a group of people by way of developing society capacity, changing society behavior, and organizing society. Society empowerment is done through active participation which is facilitated by the mobilization of the empowerment. The mobilizer of empowerment is someone who has power or power in a territorial organization, the mobilizer will only be effective if done by a leader. The ultimate goal of the society empowerment process is to encourage citizens to improve their family lives and optimize their resources. The main target of society empowerment is aimed at those who are weak and without power, strength or ability to access productive resources (Widjajanti, 2011).

The design of this research is Phenomenology. Phenomenological research has always focused on digging, understanding and interpreting the meaning of phenomena, events and relationships with ordinary people in certain situations (Joseph, 2013: 335). This research was conducted in Aie Pacah sub-district of Koto Tangah, Padang City. Research subjects in this study are the society as the target group, village device as the program organizer. Before entering the social situation, the researcher determines the data / informant technique in its socio-cultural context. For that researchers can use snowball sampling technique. The instruments used are interview and document guides.

The result of the research shows that the perception of village device to the empowerment program stated that the implementation of society empowerment program should always be done in an appropriate and sustainable manner. While the society's perception of the empowerment program is said to have obtained information about the program that is Rastra, KIS, PKH, House Surgery, Posyandu, Paud, and PMT. However, some people still do not know about the empowerment program because of the lack of socialization from the village device. Efforts made by the village device are to work together with all the cation in the village, coordinate with RT and RW, implement MUSRENBANG and cooperate with other agencies. For the society effort that is to comply with the advice and follow the activity from beginning to end. The obstacles faced by the village device are the people who are less participate in the activities, for the village device the obstacles are in their individual busyness.

Based on the results of research and discussion that has been done can be concluded that the perception of village device and society tools on empowerment program shows design phenomenology research. While the advice is in the process of execution of Duties and Functions of the Village Head is expected to the society and the village device can work together in order to create a better relationship to achieve maximum goals.

Key word: Village Devices, Society, Empowerment Program


