The Role Of Polsek And The Family In Eradicate The Adolescent In The Subject Of Ampek Balai Tapan


  • Deri Sepriansyah
  • . Yusrizal
  • . Nurharmi


This research background of the forms of action by teenagers that are not in accordance with the moral and rules that apply in society within the last 2 years from 2015 to 2017, including: theft, liquor, drugs prohibited a kind of drugs, brawl and so forth. To anticipate the various disrupt with the problem of juvenile delinquency is the responsibility of family and police.
The type of this research is descriptive research. According to Prasetyo and Jannah (2007: 42), "this study was conducted to provide detailed granbaran about a phenomenon or phenomenon". Based on the type of research above, the research in this study describes the extent to which the role of the police against the moral education of adolescents in the District Basa Ampek Balai Tapan. Population in this research is family and Polsek that exist in Kecamatan Basa Ampek Balai Tapan. Purposive Sampling technique using special criteria.
This Research Is To See The Role Of Polsek And Family In Tackling Juvenile Delinquency In Kecamatan Basa Ampek Balai Tapan. The Type Of Research Used Is Descriptive Analysis. Instruments Used Are Observation, Interview And Documented Questionnaires.The results of this study indicated that the role of family is very important in the formation of personal, character and attitude of a teenager and the role of police in tackling juvenile delinquency in Basa Ampek District Balai Tapan.
    The role of the family is very important in the formation of the person, character and attitude of a teenager. Where the family is a group of people that can affect the development of these adolescents. Given the very important function and role of family education, in this case the parents to influence the child. The role of the police is also very important for the development of adolescents. Polsek's role is very supportive of youth activities as one form of tackling juvenile delinquency that has been attempted well. It is manifested by activities that can support skills and foster behavior by giving direct dialogue or communication with teenagers who wish to better understand the provisions of the nation and religious teachings that are the main source.

Keywords: Role of Polsek, Family Role.


