Influence Of Learning Model Course Review Horay to Result of Study IPS Student of Class V at SDN 17 Batu Gadang Indarung Padang


  • Desrima Dini
  • Muhammad Sahnan
  • Rona Taula Sari


The principle of education should be oriented to development of whole student potential aspects, such as cognitive, affective, and have implications on cognitive aspect (Susanto, 2014:85) for achieving this coaching. School is formal institution that has responsibility and ability in executing school education with its curriculum which contains social science subject and other subjects needs teacher’s creativity in deciding and using model that involved student on learning process.  But, based on observation and interview held in Public Elementary School 17 Batu Gadang the researcher obtained information that the learning model used was still centered on teacher by using three methods, i.e lecturing, questioning and answering, and giving assignments, made the learning became ineffective. Then, the researcher trying to apply Course Review Horay learning model in social science learning process.

            The type of research used is experimental research. The population of this research is whole students from Elementary School 17 Batu Gadang Indarung Padang, term 2017/2018. Meanwhile, the sample for this research is Grade 5 students from Public Elementary School 17 Batu Gadang. There are 48 students from this class that are also divided into two classes, VA and VB. The researcher uses Simple Random techniques and found that VA class become the control class and VB become the experimental class. The data analyzed by the researcher is the cognitive scores of social sciences subjects that obtained by the students which is collected using objective test.

The result of data analysis with hypothesis test using uji-t, found that thitung= 2,098 and ttable = 2,10.So then, thitung>ttable.  As the result, H1 hypothesis is accepted which means there is an influence of Course Review Horay learning model toward the social sciences subjects scores of Grade V students in Public Elementary School 17 Batu Gadang Indarung Padang.

Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is an influence from Course Review Horay learning model toward social science scores of Grade V students in Public Elementary School 17 Batu Gadang Indarung Padang. As the result, this learning model canbe applied to reach the optimal scores in learning social sciences subjects in that school.


Keywords: Course Review Horay, social sciences subjects scores, and experiment


