The Effect of Teaching Model “Everyone is A Teacher Here” on Students’ Learning achievement of Social Science Course at Grade IV of SDN 20 KuraoPagang in Padang Municipality


  • Akhmad Badrul Lubis
  • Muhammad Sahnan
  • Rieke Alyusfitri


Education is a process of growing, developing, enhancing, and directing unstructured materials into structured ones, which allow new self-directed cultures to be developed (Albertus, 2015;53). School is a formal institution whose responsibility is to implement educational process. An elementary school consisting of social science course and other courses as parts of curriculum requires teachers’ creativity in applying and determining models that involve learners’ participation during learning process. However, based on the observation and interview held in SDN 20 KuraoPagang, it is noted that the teachers whose teaching models were lecturing and question-answer have led to ineffective learning output. Therefore the researcher opted to solve such problems by implementing the teaching model “Everyone is A Teacher Here” in social science course.

Experimental research was used as the method of this study. The population was all students at SDN 20 KuraoPagang. The sample consisting of fifty two students was all students at grade IV of the abovementioned elementary school which were comprised of two classes of IV A and B. In this case, through purposive sampling, class IV B was determined as the experimental group and class IV A, as the control group. The data analyzed were learning scores of social science course based on cognitive domain and were collected through an objective test.

Having analyzed the hypothesis through paired  sample t-test, it is  pointed out that taccount was 2.07  and ttable was 1.67. Therefore, the accounted t was higher than the t score as stated in the table (taccount>ttable) under the error value of 95%. As H1(alternative hypothesis) was accepted, it is concluded that there is the effect of the teaching model “Everyone is A Teacher Here” on students’ learning achievement of IPS course at grade IV of SDN 20 KuraoPagang in Padang Municipality.

Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that there is an effect of the model “Everyone is A Teacher Here “ on Students’ learning achievement of IPS course at grade IV of SDN 20  KuraoPagang in Padang Municipality. In other word, this model can be applied and developed in increasing learning achievement in social science course at the school.

Keywords: Everyone is A Teacher Here, learning achievement IPS, experiment


