The Influence of Snowball Throwing Learning Model on Science Results of Grade V Students of SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah Kota Padang


  • Redho Ade Putra
  • Hendra Hidayat
  • Siska Angreni


Education in Primary School is the first step of acquiring knowledge for students. One of the subjects studied by students in Primary School is the Education of Natural Sciences (IPA). Natural Science Learning (IPA) is a subject that can train and provide objective, critical thinking opportunities to students. Teachers in the education system play an important role in improving the quality of education. The use of Snowball Throwing learning model is intended to improve learning outcomes better and involves the active role of students to find their own knowledge, discussing to compile questions, answer questions or express opinions.
The population in this study is all students of class V SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah Padang City, amounting to 69 people. The sample of this study uses two classes of experimental class and control class. For sampling this research using Simple random sampling technique. The type of data used in this study is quantitative data. The instrument used in this study is the test of learning outcomes. The final test given in the form of objective questions as much as 20 items that are tailored to the learning materials. The final test given is already tested first in a class that is not a sample in the study and has done the analysis of the item item using the validity of the test, the problem difficulty index, the problem of differentiator and followed by the reliability of the test.
Learning outcomes can be determined through the final tests given to students during the study. The lessons are given to the two sample classes with different treatments. In the experimental classroom learning was conducted using the Snowball Throwing learning model and in the control class using conventional learning. This can be seen from the average of experimental class learning outcomes 80,42 higher than control class 71,96. The result of hypothesis test by using t-test is done then obtained by price tcount > ttable, where 2,203> 2.015 thus H1accepted that there is influence of learning model of Snowball Throwing to result of science learning of class V student of SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah Kota Padang.
Based on the results of research that has been done then it can be concluded that there is the influence of the use of learning model of Snowball Throwing on the learning outcomes of grade V students on the cognitive aspect in Elementary School 09 Air Pacah Padang City. The result of science learning of grade V students of SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah Padang using Snowball Throwing learning model is better than the result of science learning of students using conventional learning.

Keywords : Snowball Throwing Model, Science Study Results and Experimental Research.


