The Influence of Inside Outside Circle Learning Model on IPS Grade Students Learning Outcomes at State Elementary School 09 Air Pacah


  • Suci Al Muhayani
  • Muhammad Sahnan
  • Rona Taula Sari


Education is a process of human interaction between educators and learners to achieve educational goals. The process of education takes place in a particular environment using a variety of actions called educational tools. As Susanto stated (2014: 85), "Education is an organized, planned and continuous, lifelong effort to nurture a protege into a plenary, mature, and cultured human being." In the implementation of learning, teachers should be able to make students understand the material being studied. The mode of delivery of teachers in teaching also depends on the model of learning and the techniques used. One of the learning models that teachers can use is the Inside Outside Circle learning model.
This type of research is an experimental research. The population in this research is all student of class V at SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah in academic year 2017/2018 which amount 69 people. The sample of this research is the students of class V SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah. The sampling technique used technique "Purposive Sampling" (sample aim). The type of data used in this study is quantitative data. Quantitative data from this study is data taken from the results of IPS students learning grade V SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah after doing research. The research instrument used in this research is the test of learning result.
Student learning outcomes can be known through the final tests given to students during the study. The lessons are given to the two sample classes with different treatments. In Class experimental learning was implemented using Inside Outside Circle learning model and in control class using conventional learning. Based on the data analysis, the students' learning achievement scores obtained the average of both classes of samples, namely the experimental class treated with the Inside Outside Circle model has an average of 86,59 and in the control class using conventional learning with an average of 76,74, so on the experimental class has a higher mean value than the control class.
Based on the results of research that has been done then it can be concluded that there is influence of Inside Outside Circle learning model on the learning outcomes on the cognitive aspect of students of grade V SD Negeri 09 Air Pacah. Suggestion for class V teacher in IPS learning to be able to use Inside Outside Circle learning model because it can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Inside Outside Circle Model, IPS Study Results and Experimental Research.


