Increasing Activity And Learning Outcomes Of Va Class Students On Pn Learning Through Learning Model Scramble In SD Negeri 15 Padang Sarai Padang


  • Feby . Febrianty
  • Nurharmi . .
  • darwianis . .


Executive Summary
Febrianty, Feby. 2018. Increasing Activity And Learning Outcomes Of Va Class
Students On Pn Learning Through Learning Model Scramble In SD
Negeri 15 Padang Sarai Padang. Department of PGSD. Bung Hatta
Advisors: 1. Drs. Nurharmi, M.Si
2. Dra. Darwianis, M.H
Learning outcomes are the changes of self-existent students, whether involving
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects as a result of learning activities (Susanto
2014). According to Istarani (2012: 184) said: The Scramble model is presenting the
teaching materials through the submission of questions or statements that are
incomplete, so that learners are invited to complete the question or statement is an
application of the use of Scramble learning model there are two things very important
component incomplete questions or statements, ie the student is required to complete
the statement so that it is perfect, and the second is to prepare words or phrases that can
complete the question or statement so that it is perfect.
Researchers conducted this study with the aim to improve the activity and
learning outcomes of students in Cognitive aspects at the level of Knowledge. Subjects
In this study who became the subject of research is a class s tudent of VA SDN 15
Padang Sarai in the academic year 2016/2017 which amounted to 25 students consisting
of 18 male students and 7 female students.
The result of observation of learning process of teacher activity activity in cycle
I is 58,33% in good criterion and in cycle II that is 77,77% in criterion Baik Baik. result
of student discussion activity in cycle I that is 54% in good criterion and in cycle II that
is 76% in criterion Baik Baik. the students' cognitive learning outcomes in the 2 cycles
above, it can be seen that in the first cycle there are 18 students with an average of 71.8
in 72%. While in cycle II, there are 20 students with an average of 78.4 in 80%. Thus it
can be concluded that, the percentage of students' cognitive learning completenes s from
cycle I to cycle II has increased by 8%.
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that by
using the model of learning Scramble can improve the activity and learning outcomes of
students of the VA class in SD Negeri 15 Padang Sarai Padang.
Keywords: Scramble, Learning Outcomes, Civics


