The Role Of Subdistrict Head In Making And Supervision On The Performance Of The Head Of The Village. Thesis. Civic Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Wifi Cahya Dikastuti
  • . Pebriyenni
  • . Yusrizal


In Law Number 32 Year 2014 on Regional Government, Sub-District is no longer a unit of governmental territory, but as a unit of work or service area. In Government Regulation Number 18 of 2016 on Regional Tool Article 50 paragraph (3) letter g states that the sub-district head has the task of "fostering and supervising the implementation of village activities or other designations and / or kelurahan". Guidance is an effort to show the existence of development or improvement in accordance with the objectives either in aspects of rationality, technical, humanitarian relations or social needs. While supervision is a form of piker pattern and action pattern to provide understanding and awareness to someone or some people who are given the task to be implemented by using various resources that are available well and correctly (Makmur, 2011: 176). In this regard, the researcher conducts this research with the aim to describe the role of the Camat in the guidance and supervision on the performance of the Village Head.
    The research subjects in this study were Sub-district Head, 1 Village Assistant and 5 Village Heads from 9 Village Heads in Rimbo Ilir Sub-District, Karang Dadi Village Head, Pulung Rejo Village, Sidorejo Village Head, Village of Sepakat Bersatu Village and Village Head of Rantau Kembang, selected by using Purposive Sampling. Data of this research were collected by using interview technique, observation, and documentation.
    The results of this study indicate in general, the role of Sub-district Head in guidance and supervision on the performance of Village Heads in village financial management especially Village Fund Allocation (ADD) Village Head does not utilize existing funds to carry out guidance in the management of village finances by inviting the District Head and Community Empowerment and Village Government (DPMD). This is stated by Mr. Suparjo, Head of Karang Dadi Village on January 16, 2018 "We have not yet established coaching by inviting the Camat even though the fund for the coaching has been budgeted, but the funds we use for other office purposes". However, Sub-district Head still conducts guidance and supervision through technical guidance of village financial management, coordination meeting, evaluation meeting, and monitoring to field. The role of the sub-district head in the guidance and supervision on the performance of the Village Head in the implementation of village village governance is largely carried out by providing advice and input, socialization in coordination meetings conducted with village counselors, technical assistance to improve village capacity, and reporting from the village head. However, many villages are not disciplined in implementing village governance administration, evident at the time of the research, the researchers found monthly reporting not completed each month. And the role of the Sub-district Head in the guidance and supervision on the performance of the Village Head in the preparation of village regulations and village head regulations is implemented through a co-ordinating meeting of the nature of the appeal. However, the drafting of village regulations is still less systematic in ranking the numbers in village regulations.
    In line with the findings of this study as discussed above, it can be concluded that the role of the Sub-district Head in guidance and supervision greatly influenced the performance of the Village Head itself. Dealing with conclusions, suggestions for guidance and supervision are further enhanced, so that the performance of both Village Head and Sub-district Head can be structured.


