Perception of the People Against the Management of Village Funds In Kecamatan Keliling Danau


  • Wahyu Gustiwandra
  • . Yusrizal
  • . Nurharmi


The Village Fund is a fund sourced from the State Budget (APBN) intended for villages that are transferred through the district and municipal budget (APBD) and used to finance the implementation of governance, development implementation, community development, and community empowerment . In this research, the researcher wants to see how the society perception on the management of village fund in Kecamatan Keliling Danau .

Methods This research is a qualitative research method with descriptive research type . By taking 10% respondents from the number of KK in Desa Pancuran Tiga and Desa Tanjung Pauh Mudik. Technique data collection is done through way interview , questionnaire, observation and documentation. Interview and questionnaire to informants who are considered potentially to provide information.

The results of this study show that (1) The community agrees with the existence of this village dena, but for the purpose of this village fund not all communities have known it (2) for the development of community infrastructure agreed with the development of village infrastructure because it can facilitate the village community (3) villages have also provided training for the community, namely cooking-memasal, sewing and organizing training so that the community can open their own employment to supplement their income.

The public perception of the village fund is that the community agrees with the village funds and the community hopes that the village fund will be continued every year. The role of village funds in improving village infrastructure such as the construction of paths and irrigation has been implemented even though it has not achieved maximum results in Desa Pokok Tiga and Desa Tanjung Pauh Mudik, Kecamatan Keliling Danau .

Keywords: Perception, Village Fund Program, Infrastructure



