The Improvement of Fifth Grade’s Student Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning with Group Investigation Design in SDN 02 Lunang.


  • Wetri . Sofia
  • Pebriyenni . .
  • Hendrizal . .



Sofia, Wetri.2010. The Improvement of Fifth Grade’s Student Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning with Group Investigation Design in SDN 02 Lunang. Thesis.The Elementary School Teacher’s Education Program. Bung Hatta University.

Advisor: 1. Dra. Pebriyenni, M.Si.

2. Hendrizal, S. IP., M.Pd.

The social science subjects in Elementary School have a purpose to make the students have knowledge and perception about basic concepts of Social Science, have skills and good attitude to solve a problem. Social Science Subjects in the Elementary School not just have the quality in memorize, but it can be know and understanding by the students. But the phenomena that occur in the schools teachers dominantly use lecture methods in the learning process, so the student learning outcome in social science still low. Because of that, we need varied learning models one of which is Group Investigation.The purpose of this research is to describe the application of Group Investigationdesign to improve cognitive and effective the fifth grade’s students learning outcome in Social Science at SDN 02 Lunang.

The kinds of this research are classroom action research. The research instruments in the form of sheets of teacher activity, observation sheet affective aspects of students, and test result sheet. The research subject is the fifth grade students that numbered 20 students. This study was conducted in SDN 02 LunangKabupatenPesisir Selatan in First Semester of Lesson 2017/2018. This research is carried out two cycles with each cycle consisting of three times meeting and one the last examination cycle. In one cycle consist of some steps among other likes planning, action, observation, and reflection.

The results of this research in two cycles indicate an increase in social science learning outcomes with group investigation design. The student’s knowledge in first cycle is 63, 6% and increased in second cycle 86,85%. The means of student’s affective aspect in first cycle is 30,34% and increased in second cycle is 86%.

It can be concluded that through group investigation technique can improve the fifth grade students’ learning outcomes in social science, both cognitive and affective aspects of students. The learning process with Group Investigation disign can be used as alternative model for teacher to improve the activity and learning outcome students. To increased the education quality another subject should pay attentions and give some facilities  in learning model that the teacher used in order the learning process that the teacher give can be meaningful and useful.

Key words: Learning Outcomes, Social Science, Group Investigation


