Impact Of The Conflict On Nutritional Community Economy Muaro Pingai Country With Countrysaniang Baka Solok District


  • Puji Putri
  • . Yusrizal
  • . Nurharmi


Conflict is one of the common social phenomena occurring in society. Humans as social beings have different goals and views. The Minangkabau community has the greatest value of local wisdom, especially in terms of conflict resolution by prioritizing deliberation as a good way according to Minangkabau adat. But it is undeniable that the border conflict in Minangkabau often leads to violence. This is due to the high societal sensitivity of the land. One of them is the conflict between Muaro Pingai villages with Saniang Baka villages. The conflict has a very significant impact, especially in economic terms. The impact of the conflict also greatly affected the livelihoods of the victims whose houses were burnt. It was seen from 11 victims of houses whose houses burned in the aftermath of the conflict in 2008. The level of community education is still low even though the Nagari Saniang Baka people have been educated to S3 but only a new people.
This research type is quantitative research with descriptive approach. The sample in this study is the people who live in Jorong koto residing in the nagari Muaro Pingai and Jorong Aia Angek which is dinaiari Saniang Baka. In this research the researcher use data collecting technique such as Questionnaire or Questionnaire, Interview, and Documentation Study.
The impact of the conflict between Nagari Saniang Baka and Nagari Muaro Pingai is the post-conflict economic growth in 2008, especially for Nagari Muaro Pingai and Nagari Saniang Baka communities. Conflicts greatly affect the initial livelihoods of the two nagari where the livelihoods of the farmers are changing their livelihoods because the cultivated land is located in the border area where the border area also has excellent natural resources potential and can be used as a livelihood of the two nagari conflict. The impact of the conflict was also felt by 11 muaro pingai residents who were the victims of burning houses after the conflict in 2008. They lost their homes and some of them switched jobs from their previous jobs, three of whom preferred to leave their homes on the grounds that the land was cultivated land that is in satus quo kan.
Public relations between the two nagari in economic activity began to gradually normalize. Although previously their relationship was tenuous because of the conflict. This happens because they can not deny that they are interdependent with each other in economic activities in meeting the needs of the day. Both nagari communities are expected to establish cooperation in the economic, social and political fields for example starting from educational institutions, so the younger generation of the two villages do not feel the
resentment of the conflict felt by the elderly. And it is expected that parents do not inherit the conflict to the younger generation but the parents should give understanding that once the relationship between the two nagari very close and the young generation who can approach that relationship again. In order not to happen things that provoke conflict.



