Implementation of Duties of Sub District Keliling Danau District Kerinci according to Law No. 23 year 2014


  • Syukron Saputra
  • . Yusrizal
  • Muslim Tawakal


Kecamatan is the working area of the subdistrict head as a district and city area apparatus . The Camat is from Civil Servants who understand about the government and appointed by the Regent / Mayor. Camat's duties have been described in Law no. 23 Year 2014. In this research, the researcher wants to see one of the duty of Camat is to coordinate the effort of organizing peace and public order.

Methods This research is descriptive research method . With a sample of 1 person Camat, 2 Camat office employees, 2 2 customary leaders and 10 communities from 5 villages is Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village, Punai Merindu Village, Pancuran Tiga Village, Bukit Pulai Village and Sumur Jauh Village. Techniques of data collection conducted through observation , interview way and documentation. Cloud to informants who are considered potentially to provide information.

The results of this study show that (1) the Camat has done its job well that is coordinating the effort of organizing peace and public order 2) there are still constraints faced by the Camat in carrying out their duties in the village , namely, traditional community attitudes, low levels of education, and custom or custom (3) The sub-district has prepared various solutions in the face of obstacles .

The district head has done his job well. The sub-district head often came to the village to invite the villagers to carry out mutual cooperation in order to maintain the cleanliness of the village environment. The sub-district head also often reviews the locations affected by the disaster such as floods, landslides and fires to provide assistance in terms of physical and non-physical assistance. Sub-district heads often face obstacles such as traditional community attitudes, low levels of education, and custom or custom. From these constraints the Camat prepared several solutions .

Keywords: Implementation, Duty Camat, Peace and public order



