The Influence Of Learning Method Pool Using The Board’s Pool And The Help Of A Friend On The Ability Of An Free-Style Students Of SDN 46 Kuranji
Executive Summary
Kholiq, Irham. 2018. The Influence Of Learning Method Pool Using The Board’s Pool And The Help Of A Friend On The Ability Of An Free-Style Students Of SDN 46 Kuranji.
Advisors : 1. Dr. Chalid Marzuki, MA
2. Meiriani Armen, S.Pd,M.Pd
Swimming pool is one of the swimming styles in which the body (chest) position is facing the water surface. Similarly, the position of the face was facing water surface. Mikanda Rahmani (2017: 27). Swimming learning using a swimming board, is an individual learning by means of a swimming board. Learning pool with the help of friends, is swimming learning with the help of the hands of friends.
This type of research is included into quasi experiment research. sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The sample of research taken siswakelas IV, which amounted to 20 men only. The first and second hypotheses were tested by the t-formula, the third hypothesis was tested by the indepedence formula. Prior to analysis, the first test requirements analysis, namely normality test and linearity test.
To know the significant data available then t-test is used. The significant test criterion is tcount> ttable. For the exercises using the swimming pool against the students' freestyle swimming skill SDN 46 Kuranji, obtained tcal 15,37 and ttabel 1.81. For the exercise of using friend's aid to the students' freestyle swimming skill SDN 46 Kuranji, obtained tcount 14,71 while ttabel 1.81. To find out the difference between the exercises using the swim boards and the exercises using the help of friends on the students' freestyle swimming skill SDN 46 Kuranji, can be tcount 0.64 and t table 1.73.
From the results of the hypothesis and discussion of the results of the research, the hypothesis one and two, there are significant effects between the two models of exercise, sedangan hypothesis three no significant effect, H0 received Ha rejected, tcount 0.64 <ttabel 1.73.