Contribution Of Arm Muscle Explosive Power And Hand Eye Coordination On Top Volleyball Service At Club PpjkKanagarian Koto Kaciak Sub District Tanjung Raya District Agam


  • Salam Rama Sandi
  • Jonni . .
  • Meiriani . Armen


Executive Summary

Sandi, Salam Rama. 2018. Contribution Of Arm Muscle Explosive Power And Hand Eye Coordination On Top Volleyball Service At Club PpjkKanagarian Koto Kaciak Sub District Tanjung Raya District Agam

Advisors : 1. Drs.Jonni, M.Pd

2. MeirianiArmen, S.Pd, M.Pd

            This bolavoli sport game is one of the sports teams that are competed from the sub-district, city, nasioanal and internasional. Furthermore the bolavoli game is easy to learn, the game is interesting involving many people and can be played anywhere. The development and progress of the bolavoli today, we can see in print and electronic media that often preach bolavoli matches. This is certainly able to improve the achievements in the branch bolavoli in Indonesia. Erianti (2005: 103) says the current service technique is not just as "The opening blow to start the game, but it is an initial attack to get the value (number), for a team to achieve victory". Thus it can be said that the service position is so important to obtain numbers.

            Population in this research is bolavoi PPJK Jorong Koto Kaciak. sampling technique is the total sampling where in this study all players in the club PPJK Kanagarian Koto Kaciak which amounted to 10 people to be sampled in the study. The sample has an average height of 168 - 171 cm. Based on the hypothesis proposed in the study, the data analysis technique used is a correlation analysis that shows how far the relationship between variables that (X) with variables (Y).The result of this correlation calculation is called the correlation coefficient developed with letters (r). Further correlation coefficient index ranges between -1 s/d 1.

            there is a relationship between arm muscle explosive power and hand eye coordination with service over volleyball club PPJK Kanagarian Koto KaciakTanjung Raya, Agam. Based on the analysis done, then obtained correlation analysis between arm muscle explosive power and hand eye coordination with top service. Result of correlation R= 0,94 and multiple correlation results 0,32. By using K=2 as the numerator and dk (n-k-1) = 7 as the denominator, then in the distribution F, value Ftabelis as big 4,74 So Fhitung(17,14)>Ftabel (4,74). Then H0 rejected Ha be accepted.

            It can be said that with such a good explosive arm muscle and hand eye service coordination over PPJK Volleyball player Kanagarian Koto Kaciak. so it can be deduced that in each series of exercises need to be improved and more emphasized on the lavatory muscle strength training and hand eye coordination, in order to produce a fast and efficient movement in servicing the volleyball.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the explosive power of arm muscles and hand eye coordination is an important factor that affects the service of volleyball.

Keyword :power muscle arm explosion, Eye-hand coordination and top service


