Balance Relationship With Sila On Sepaktakraw Club PORSIS In Regency Of Agam.


  • Rahmad Yusuf Alkadri
  • Jonni . .
  • Meiriani . Armen


Executive Summary


Yusuf Alkadri, Rahmat. 2018. Balance Relationship With Sila On Sepaktakraw Club PORSIS In Regency Of Agam.



Advisors : 1. Drs. Jonni, M.Pd

                  2. Meiriani Armen, S.Pd,M.Pd

The ability of the body to maintain balance and posture stability by motor activity can not escape from the precepts and regulatory systems that play a role in the formation of equilibrium, M Sajoto (1995: 9). Winarno, (2004: 15) argues sepaktakraw is a game that is done by two teams to the contrary.

This type of research belongs to a collective research, which sees the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. This type of research is correlational, namely to know the relationship with soccer skills in the game sepaktakraw Porsis in Agam District. The population in this study is septorakraw porsis players who bertumbla eleven (11) men. sampling technique used is total sampling, with demikin the number of samples of this study there are eleven (11) players sepaktakraw club Agam district porsis.

There is a significant (significant) relationship between the balance with the ability of football players sepaktakraw Porsis club in Agam District. It is with result that is rhitung = 0,95> rtabel = 0,60 at = 0,55, and t arithmetic 9,13> ttable 2,20.


