Hubungan Daya Tahan Kekuatan Otot Lengan dan Koordinasi Mata-Tangan dengan Kemampuan Passing Atas Pemain Bolavoli SMK Negeri 1


  • Yonex . Saputra
  • Jonni . .
  • Meiriani . Armen


Saputra, Yonex 2018. Relationship Durability Strength Muscle Arm And Speech eye-hand Coordination With
Passing Ability Of The Volleyball Players SMK Negeri 1 Padang
Advisort : 1. Drs. Jonni, M.Pd
2. Meiriani Armen, S.Pd, M.Pd
In the game bolavoli many elements that must be mastered by every player. The main element is game
technique and physical condition as supporting to realize the technique. The Volleyball game has a high enough
tempo that requires special skills that are go od for every player to play well. Nuril Ahmadi (2007: 20) "
Volleyball game is a complex game that is not easy to do by everyone". Based on this explanation can be
interpreted that if you want to become a good Volleyball player and achievers then each player in addition to
knowing the rules and conditions of the game must also have basic technical skills to play volleyball.
Research type is correlation with population is student of SMK Negeri 1 Padang. Sampling in this study
by using the total sampling of all students SMK Negeri 1 Padang, amounting to 30 people. Data is taken in three
ways Push Up for endurance of arm muscle strength, throwing the ball abruptly for hand eye coordination,
Passing ability over the Volleyball for upper passing ability. Data obtained in the analysis using Product
Moment correlation formula and multiple correlation.
Result of research with significant level (a = 0,05) showed that (1) There is significant relation between
endurance of arm muscle strength with upper passing ability with rhit 0,655> rtab 0,367. (2) There is a
significant relationship between hand-eye coordination with upper passing ability with rhit 0,705> rtab 0,367.
(3) There is a significant relationship between endurance of arm muscle strength and hand -eye coordination
together with upper passing ability with Rhit 0,766> Rtab 0,3670, Fhit 019,18> Ftab 3,35.
The result of this conclusion, the variable (X1-y) there is a significant relationship between endurance of
arm muscle strength with upper passing ability, (X2 -y) there is a significant relationship between hand-eye
coordination with upper passing ability, (X1, X2 - y) There is a significant relationship between endurance of
arm muscle strength and eye-hand coordination together with passing ability of students of SMK Negeri 1
Key Word : Endurance arm muscle strength, eye-hand coordination, upper passing ability


