Influence Of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach To Mathematics Learning Result Grade V Students SDN 11 Kurao Pagang Padang.
Executive Summary
Sucitra, Febrina. 2013. Influence Of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach
To Mathematics Learning Result Grade V Students SDN 11
Kurao Pagang Padang. Thesis. Elementary Scholl Teacher
Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Eduacation,
Bung Hatta University.
Advisors : 1. Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M.Pd
2. Arlina Yuza, S.Pd, M.Pd
Zainal ( in Sari 2010:1) States the notion of the RME approach is a starting point
from the real thing for student, emphasizing the skill of process of doing mathematics
discuss and collaborate, argue with classmates so that they can find themselves (Student
Inventing as Opposed Teacher Telling) and ultimaty use that math so solve both
individual ang group problems.In this approach the role of the teacher is no more as a
facilitator, moderator or evaluator while student are thinking, communicating train
nuances with respect for opinions.
Population in this research is all students of class V SDN 11 Kurao Pagang. The
number of students class V SDN Kurao Pagang 2017-2018 year is 56 people, V-A class
28 people and V-B 28 people .The samples taken were total sampling, the samples were
taken by lottery,lottery containing the VA and VB classes.The paper that came out of the
first draw was made as an experimental class and the non-out paper was made into the
control class. In this draw, the first paper out is a paper bearing the VA so that the VA
class is made into the experimental class and the VB class becomes the control class.
After doing data analysis and hypothesis testing to result of learning, hence
obtained t
> t
at level of trust 95% (a=0,05), thus there is influence of realistic
mathematics education (RME) approach to student learning result V SDN 11 Kurao
Pagang Padang. Tihis can be seen from the average of experimental class learning result
that is 80,0 and control class 72,5. During research in experiment class, originally student
look difficulties and confusion when the researcher convey steps that will do student in
explaining approach realistic mathematics education (RME), after the next meeting the
student can understand and perform the tasks assigned to him.
Based on the above conclusions it is suggested that some things as well as teacher
homeroom SDN 11 Kurao Pagang Padang can apply the approach Realistic Mathematics
Educati on (RME) in learning mathematics, because it is seen that this model can have a
positive impact on student learning outcomes.
Keyword : Realistic Mathematics Education, Result of Learning Mathematics