Study on Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) of Penjasorkes Teachers at SDN KecamatanMalinDemanKabupatenMukoMuko.


  • Ariadi . .
  • Madri . M
  • Arfon . Meirony





Ariadi. 2018. Study on Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) of Penjasorkes Teachers at SDN KecamatanMalinDemanKabupatenMukoMuko.


Advisors : 1. Drs. Madri M, M.Kes AIFO

                  2. ArfonMeirony, S.Pd,M.Pd


Physical education, exercise and health is a learning process designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, active knowledge and behavior, sportive attitude, harmony and balance. Based on Law Number 14 Year 2005 regarding Teachers and Lecturers, Article 10 paragraph (1) states that "Teacher competence as referred to in Article 8 covers pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence".

               The problem in this research is the researcher want to see the learning process of the teacher of the penjasorkes according to SDN KecamatanMalinDemanKabupatenMukoMuko. This study aims to determine how much the level of achievement of teaching and learning process penjasorkes in SDN KecamatanMalinDemanKabupatenMukoMuko.

This type of research is descriptive. The population of this study were students at SDN KecamatanMalinDemanMukoMuko Regency as many as 161 people. The sampling technique was done by Purposive Sampling followed by random sampling, then the samples were 81 people. Instrumentation to obtain data that is researcher observe performance of teacher by using instrument of appraisal of learning implementation. After the data has been collected and grouped into the table. Analyze by calculating frequency and percentage of answers: 1 = NeverGive 2 = Rarely 3 = Sometimes Sometimes 4 = Often 5 = Always. Analysis of research data using frequency distribution technique (descriptive statistics) with calculation percentage P = F / N × 100%.

The results obtained in this study are as follows: Variable preliminary activities obtained scoring achievement of 76.54% is in the Good category. The core learning activity variable obtained 75.78% score achievement is in the Good category. The closing learning variables obtained by the achievement score of 68.89% are in good category. Thus it can be concluded that the learning process Teaches the orchestra at SDN KecamatanMalinDemanMukoMuko Regency with achievement level 74.91% with good classification.


