Impact of Youth Marriage Against Social Behavior (Study in Kenagarian Surantih Pesisir Selatan).


  • . Awaludin
  • . Nurharmi
  • Muslim Tawakal


Marriage can only be held when the bride and groom have met the requirements of physical maturity. Which can be interpreted that the marriage of young age is a marriage done before reaching the age of 19 years for men and 16 years for women or immature (psychological, pedagogical, and economic). Young marriage has many unfavorable effects in building a home, such as the occurrence of a divorce because it does not seem to be the real purpose of marriage. But there is no doubt that not all marriages at a young age have a bad effect on a family because not a few of those who have been married at a young age can maintain and maintain family unity according to the purpose of the marriage itself. Another factor triggering the occurrence of young marriage in Surantih this is due to lack of education there. The average that married young age is children who are still in the 12-year study program. As a result of the divorce, there are many occurrences of inappropriate behavior in society, the behavior of widows or widowers who are young, resulting in deviant social behavior. Distorted social behavior is like, women leave their natures as mothers, to seek pleasure of themselves with other men, so children abandoned. And finally the child from the marriage of young age less get the affection from both parents. Likewise with men, many are not responsible for the child and his wife, sehinggan man in marriage law no 1 year 1974 article 34 verse 1 reads "husband is obliged to protect wife and give all necessity of life of marriage according to its ability."
    The type of research conducted is qualitative research using descriptive method. This research was conducted in Kenagarian Surantiah, Kecamatan Sutera Pesisir Selatan Regency. Selection of this location is based on the consideration that in Surantiah this is still there are many couples who do marriage of young age, with from 467 family of 217 families in Kenagarian Surantiah married at young age. The samples of this study consist of: Head of KUA, BP4 Employee, Couples who get married at a young age, Parent couples who marry young age, Children of couples who marry young age, Community Leaders. The data collection techniques used are: Interview technique, Observation Study, Documentation study.
    Based on research that researchers do the results of this study, more focused on the impact of marriage of young age on social behavior caused by marriage of young age. Impact arising from marriage of young age include: impact on husband and wife (young couple), among others: between changing the status of children or adolescents to parents this thing causing mental development so as not to be able to solve existing problems, too quickly experience changes in the social environment of society, they will more tends to adjust to the new environment. Then on the wife is not old enough to contain and give birth so that this will disrupt the condition of her baby and its contents. The impact of the marriage of young age will also affect the parents of the perpetrator in this case the family environment in Minangkabau especially the newly married Surantih people will stay at home parents of women. If the man (husband) is polite and courteous, will make the in-laws and mamak happy otherwise if the lazy man then this will affect the relationship on both sides of the family (from the family wife and husband's family) eventually divorce early. Factors driving the occurrence of marriage at an early age in the study sites include: economic factors, parent factors, educational factors, factors themselves and local customary factors. Economic factors, because families who live in low socioeconomic conditions / can not meet the needs of everyday life. Educational factors of low level of education and knowledge of parents, children, the importance of education. While the factor itself is because the relationship is close then they decide to get married soon. Parents factor is the parents prepare / find a mate for his son. Because of the adat factor of the marriage of young age is caused by parents' fear of gossip from near neighbors. If the daughter has not yet got a spouse, the parent will be afraid that the child is said to be an old maid.
    Impacts arising from the marriage of young age include: the impact on husband and wife that is the occurrence of quarrels and small squabbles in the household, the impact on the children that is the low level of intelligence and IQ in children and the existence of disturbances on the physical development of children. The impact on each family if the marriage among children is not smooth then the parents will feel disappointed and concerned about the incident. Conversely, if the marriage smoothly then it will benefit his parents. Efforts to be made by community leaders and overcome the marriage of young age in Kenagarian Surantih Pesisir Selatan Regency that is less relevant to make the teenagers become free.



