Influence of Learning Model of Open Ended Problems on Student Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah Kecamatan Koto Tangah.


  • Putri Wulandari
  • Zulfa Amrina
  • Daswarman Daswarman


Executive Summary


Wulandari, Putri. 2018. Influence of Learning Model of Open Ended Problems on Student Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah Kecamatan Koto Tangah. Essay. Primary teacher education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Bung Hatta University.




Counselor     : 1. Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M.Pd

                       2. Daswarman, S.T, M.Pd


        Learning outcomes have an important role in the learning process. For that teachers have to design and choose a model of learning that can affect student learning outcomes for the better. One of the learning model that is expected to influence student learning outcomes to be better is Open Ended Problems learning model. According to Shoimin (2013: 109), learning with open problems means learning that presents problems with solutions of various ways (flexibility) and solutions can also be diverse (multi responsibility, Fluency).

               The research method used is experiment. Population in this research is all student class IV counted 49 people. Sample selection technique using Total Sampling. To determine the experimental class and control class is done in a random way so as to obtain the IVB class as the experimental class and the class IVA as the control class. In this study, the instrument used is a test instrument. Data analysis was done by normality test, homogeneity, and hypothesis.

               This study aims to determine the effect of Open Ended Problems learning model on mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah Kecamatan Koto Tangah, Padang. Data were obtained from t-test. The results showed the results of mathematics learning in the experimental class that is equal to 80.83 and the control class is 73.2. Hypothesis testing using t-test shows thitung> ttable, with tcount of 1,846 and ttable value equal to 1,68 at significant level of 0,05. Because thitung> ttabel = 1.846> 1.68 thus hypothesis H0 is rejected and H1 accepted.

               So conclude is existed the influence of Open Ended Problems model to the learning outcomes mathematics student class IV SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah. Notice learning model Open Ended Problems to give possitive effect to learning outcomes mathematics student, so teacher please to use this learning model.




Keywords : Open Ended Problems, Learning Outcomes, Mathematics.


