Improvement of Writing Writing Skill Description On Learning Indonesian Using Creative Model - Productive By Class Elementary Student Sabbihisma 2 Padang.


  • Yoan Suriyadi Putami
  • Wirnita . .
  • Hidayati . Azkiya


Executive Summary




Suriyadi Putami,Yoan.2018.Improvement of Writing Writing Skill Description On Learning Indonesian Using Creative Model - Productive By Class Elementary Student Sabbihisma 2 Padang. Essay. Primary teacher education. Bung Hatta University.


Counselor        : 1. Dr. Wirnita Eska. M, M

          2. Hidayati Azkiya, S.Pd, M.Pd


               Writing skills is one type of language skills that must be mastered by the students. According to Saleh Abas's opinion (2006: 125), writing skills is the ability to express ideas, opinions, and feelings to other parties through writing improve students' writing skills, to learning to be better, that is through creative - productive Models. According to Made Wena (2014, 140-142) in the implementation of creative-productive modeling learning should be done with a certain stage of stage. There are 5 creative-productive learning stages of Orientsi, exploration, interpretation, recreation, and evaluation


               The type of research used by the researcher is the classroom action research method, this research is done in SD Sabbihisma 2 Padang, with the subject of the research is the students of class V which amounted to 26 people, in this study instrumend to collect data is teacher observation sheet, student observation sheet, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects and test result sheets. Data analysis was performed using quantitative and qualitative data analysis model.


               The purpose of this research is to describe the process of improving the writing skill of description description in learning Indonesian class V through creative-productive model in sd sabbihisma padang city. It is concluded that learning using creative-productive model can improve students' writing skill in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor realms, since it has reached 75% success indicator.


               So it can be concluded that based on the results of research, that by use creative model - productive writing skills increased students, and suggested in the learning of teachers using this model.


Keywords: writing skill,creative model – productive,description


