The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) to Student Learning Outcomes of Class IV in Civic Learning at SDN 43 Sungai Sapih.


  • Heru . Fandana
  • Nurharmi . .
  • Yulfia . Nora


Executive Summary

Fandana, Heru.2013. The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) to Student Learning Outcomes of Class IV in Civic Learning at SDN 43 Sungai Sapih. Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Bung Hatta University.


Counselor: 1. Drs. Nurharmi, M.Si.

2. Yulfia Nora, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Learning is an important activity for everyone, including learning how to learn. According to Nichole in Aunurrahman (2009: 33), "that 82% of children entering school at the age of 5 and 6 years have a positive self-image about their learning abilities. The high rate dropped dramatically to 18% of 16-year-olds' time. "

The population in this study were all students of Grade IV SD Negeri 43 Sungai Sapih grouped in 3 classes with a population of 73 students. The number of sample members in this study were 49 students with sampling technique using Random Sampling. Technique of collecting data in this research is by using test and observation. The test results were obtained from post-test results. The data needed in this study is the result of student learning Civics. Based on the data collected, the data collection technique used is to give pre-test conducted before giving the treatment of learning using the last experimental method to provide post-test conducted after giving the treatment of learning using experimental method.

Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that the model of learning Problem Based Learning (PBL) is better than conventional learning methods. This is seen from the average value of the experimental class is 77.2 with the highest value of 100 and the lowest value 60 while the average value of the control class is 70.20 with the highest value of 90 and the lowest value 60. From the normality test and homogeneity test class sample , it was found that normal distributed data and both groups of homogeneous data, and to test the hypothesis used t test. The result of hypothesis test using t test obtained t count = 1.95 and t table = 1.68 This means the hypothesis in this study H1 accepted that there is an influence model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) to the results of learning fourth graders in learning Civics in SDN 43 Sungai Sapih.

Based on the results of research that researchers have done in SDN 43 Sungai Sapih on 07 November 2017 until December 02, 2017 in class IV A and Class IV B then it can be concluded that there is influence between student learning outcomes using learning model Learning Problem Learning (PBL) with students' learning outcomes using conventional learning methods in grade IV SDN 43 Sungai Sapih. For that it is suggested to the Civics teacher to be able to apply Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in Learning process.

Key words: Problem Based Learning Model (PBL), Learning outcomes, Civics learning


