. Increasing Mathematics Learning Activity and Outcomes Through Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for VII Students of SDN 28 Kinali.


  • Siska selfi novia
  • Zulfa . Amrina
  • Muhammad . Sahnan


Exekutif summery

Siskaselfi novia.2018. Increasing Mathematics Learning Activity and Outcomes Through Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for VII Students of SDN 28 Kinali.

Pembimbing:   1. Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M.Pd

2. Dr. Muhammad Sahnan, M.Pd


The development of technology and science increasingly encourage renewal efforts in the utilization of technology results in the learning process. One of the subjects that is still a problem to date, especially in elementary school (SD) is the learning of mathematics. Mathematics learning in elementary school is a deliberately designed process with the aim to create an atmosphere that enables the lesson to carry out the learning activities of mathematics.

This research is motivated from the author's experience in teaching in elementary school (SD) Negeri 28 KinaliPasaman Barat with low student learning outcomes. This is because students are not able to link their learning with their daily life, so that students are less able to construct their knowledge well. The low learning outcomes of these students are also caused by the school's still teacher-centered learning, so students become less active and less collaborative with their peers.

 One effort that can be done to overcome this problem is by using new learning method or approach, one of them by using CTL learning approach. The purpose of this study is to improve the activity and learning outcomes of students after using CTL learning approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) by applying CTL learning approach. This research was conducted 2 cycles on the students of class V SDN 28 Kinali with the number of students 20 people, in each cycle conducted 3 times meeting, where each cycle end of the researcher conduct evaluation and reflection to see how the activity of teacher and student activity during learning, learned earned.

 Student and teacher activity data is seen from the observation sheet taken at each meeting, while the student's learning result data is obtained from the test conducted at each end of the cycle. The results of this study indicate that teacher activity and student activity have increased from cycle I to cycle II, where the average of student activity in the first cycle is 61.97% while in the second cycle increased to 77.27%. In addition to the activity, student learning outcomes also increased, whereas the average mastery of students in the first cycle is 65% while in the second cycle of 85%.



Keywords: Activity, Learning Outcomes, CTL


