. increasing studen’s civic education study result of the four year using word square at SD N 26 Air Tawar Padang.


  • Jufrian . .
  • Pebriyenni . .
  • Asrul . Thaher


Executive Summary

Jufrian, 2018. increasing studen’s civic education study result of the four year using word square at SD N 26 Air Tawar Padang. Primary school teacher education. Bung Hatta University

Advisors :  1. Dra. pebriyeni, M.Si

                   2. Drs. H. Asrul Thaher, M.Pd

Education is is an important means to improve the quality of human resources in ensuring the sustainability of a nation's developmen. According Sudjana ( 2012:22 ) “ Study result is the abilities that have by student’s after they received their experience. Susanto ( 2013: 225 ) state that civi education is subject of study that used as a to tool depelop and everlaste glorious and morality that source  for indonesia’s nation culture. This word square  model  is developing speech  method that  riched with doing game as the question of riddle.  Relating to  this, the researcher conducted this  study on purpose of increasing cognitive study result ( C1 and C2  )  and afective in  student’s cooperation  on learning civic education.

The population of this research was the four year students of SD N 26 Air Tawar with the number of sample was 30 students that were 12 man and 18 woman. In this research , the researcher used so me instruments to collected the data, that are: teacher’s activity observation sheet,afective aspect sheet sheet of cognitive aspect student’s study result test and documentation.

The implementation learning with word square model in cycle I not said good, and this is can be seen from the average of percentage of teacher’s activity is 75%. It was caused because the teacher cannot in manage time,  manage class . Beside that, the average of percentage of teacher’s activity in cycle II increase untill 87,5 %. In cycle I, the word square model not said good, and it can be seen from the average of student’s afective percentage is 75,11 %. This caused because the teacher can not in manage time,class. Beside that, the average of student’s afective percentage in cycle II increase untill 84,99%. The data of student’s study result found from test on cycle last test. The evaluation of civil education learning with word square model in cycle II increase more than cycle I.  From analysis result and discussion, so acthypotesis can be received.

Based on result of the research and discussion so, the researcher can be concluded : the learning of civil education using word square at SDN 26 Air Tawar can increased student’s afective aspect. This fact, student’s , afective aspect in cycle I 75,11% cycle II until 84,99 % . The learning of civil education using word square model at SDN 26 Air Tawar can increased student’s study result, knowledge an comprehension. This case, can be see on last test of cycle I 53,57% in cycle II until 85,72 %.


Key Word : Word Square Model, Study Result, civil education


