
  • Lutfian Almash


The result of the study of the students of class VIII SMP N 16 Padang is still much below the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria because students are not active in the learning process, and there are still students who do not listen during the learning. Thus, when given practice questions only some students are able to do it and others just copy the answers from friends. To overcome this problem can be used model. One of them is the Treffinger learning model. By applying this learning model, it is expected to help the students to be more active in learning and can increase the students' attention in learning.

               The type of research conducted is experimental research. The population in this study were all students of grade VIII SMP N 16 Padang in the academic year 2017/2018. The sample class consists of two classes: the experimental class and the control class. To take the sample class is done randomly after removing one of the population class that is class VIII.I.

               The result of the study of the students of class VIII SMP N 16 Padang is still much below the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria because students are not active in the learning process, and there are still students who do not listen during the learning. Thus, when given practice questions only some students are able to do it and others just copy the answers from friends. To overcome this problem can be used model. One of them is the Treffinger learning model. By applying this learning model, it is expected to help the students to be more active in learning and can increase the students' attention in learning.

               To test the hypothesis used t test α = 0.05. From result of calculation result of 1/2 (0,05) <p <1/2 <(0,10) or 0,025 <p <0,05. Since the researcher used α = 0.05, meaning <α means rejected and accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that accommodate students who achieve mastery learning mathematics learning using the model of learning Treffinger higher than the strengthening of students who achieve mastery learning mathematics learning using ordinary learning methods.


Key Word : Learning Outcome, Treffinger


