Improvement of Activities and Results of Science of fourth grade students Using Cooperative Learning Model using Mind Mapping At SD Negeri 26 Air Tawar Timur


  • Fikra Englaisade Tulada
  • Gusmaweti . .
  • Erwinsyah . Satria


Executive Summary             


Tulada, Sadeenglai Fikra 2018 Improvement of Activities and Results of Science of fourth grade students Using Cooperative Learning Model using Mind Mapping At SD Negeri 26 Air Tawar Timur. Department of PGSD. Bung Hatta University.


Advisor: 1. Dra. Gusmawetti, M.Si

         2. Erwinsyah Satria, S.T, M.Si, M.Pd


Sardiman (2011: 96) states, Activity is a principle or a very important principle in the interacation of teaching and learning, as a rationality it also received recognition from various educational experts. Sudjana (2012: 22) states Learning outcomes are the abilities that students have after receiving their learning experience. Susanto (2013: 167) explains, natural science (IPA) is a human effort in understanding the universe through proper observation on the target, and using the procedure, and explained by reasoning to get a conclusion. In Huda (2014: 307) Mind Mapp is one of the models in learning: "As an effective model for developing ideas through a series of maps, and finding facts through images. With this, the researchers conducted this study with the aim to increase activity in cooperating and students' cognitive learning outcomes on science learning.

As the subject of this class action research is a fourth grader of SD Negeri 26 Air Tawar Timur with a total of 30 students consisting of 19 men and 11 women. In this study, researchers used several instruments to collect data, namely: Observation Sheet Activity Teacher, Student Activity Observation Sheet, Student Study Result Sheet Cognitive Sphere and Documentation.

Student learning outcomes in 2 cycles, it can be seen that in cycle I, there are 16 students (53,33%) complete with classical average 75, while in cycle II, there are 25 students (83 , 33%), with a grade point average 81.66. The percentage of students' complete mastery from cycle I to cycle II has increased by 30%, while for the average score of student learning outcomes in classical, also has increased and has reached the standard value of KKM .. From the analysis and discussion, the hypothesis of action can be accepted.

Based on the results of research and discussion then the researcher can conclude as follows: Learning science using Mind Mapping model in SDN 26 Air Tawar Timur can improve student learning outcomes knowledge level Percentage mastery of learning outcomes in the final test of the cycle I by 75% and on the final test cycle II reached 81.66%. In the final test of cycle I 52,9% at end test of cycle II reach 82,08%. At teacher activity in cycle I 50% in activity of cycle II cycle reach 82,5%


Keywords: Mind Mapping Model, Activity and Learning Outcomes, Science


