Influence of application of learning strategy Question Student’s Have on the biology learning outcomes of students of class XI IA SMAN 1 Siberut Selatan academic year 2016/2017


  • . Kristoporus
  • . Gusmaweti
  • Nawir Muhar


Learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of learning and teaching action (Mudjiono, 2006: 3). Learning outcomes are given in the form of values, and are usually influenced by student’s ability and learning quality. Besides, the learning outcomes are also influenced by how the student’s activities in learning (Sardiman, 2004: 49). Learning Strategy Question Student’s Have (QSH) is a learning strategy given to students so students have questions. This question can be in the form of problems or other problems related to material that has not been understing. This strategy is a way that does not make students afraid to learn what they need and expect (Silberman, 2007: 91). With this, researchers conducted research with the aim to know the implementation of learning strategy Question Student’s Have on the students biology learning outcomes in the cognitive aspects of learning outcomes and student’s ask activities.

This type of research is experimental research. The population in this research is the students of class XI IA SMAN 1 Siberut Selatan which amounted to 84 students. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique to get class XI IA1 as experiment class and XI IA2 as control class. In this study, researchers used instruments to collect data on the cognitive domain of the test results and observation sheets of student’s activity observation.

The results of study in the study showed the average grade of experimental class learning result 79,11 and control class 73,75 in accordance with the material taught is the digestive system of food in humans and animals (ruminansia). Activity asks experimental class 84,82% and control class 56,25%. The result of data analysis obtained tcount = 2.67 and ttable = 1.68 where tcount > ttable at 95% confidence level. Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.

Based on the results of data analysis obtained in the study, it can be concluded that Application of learning strategy Question Student’s Have can improve learning both in terms of process and in terms of student’s learning outcomes. Based on the observation of the researcher, in terms of process, it can be seen that the student’s activity during the learning process is increasing, especially in asking questions and in terms of student’s learning outcomes given the learning strategy Question Student’s Have is better than the students who are given the conventional learning strategy.

Keywords: QSH learning strategy, Learning Outcomes, Student’s Ask Activity


