Application of Mind Mapping Method on Student Learning Outcomes in SMA PGRI 1 Padang


  • Restu Serly
  • Lisa Deswati
  • Rona Taula Sari


In the process of learning in the classroom, teachers use less innovation in learning. While doing the learning process teachers more often use the lecture method it can be said the teacher is less varied, so the learning process becomes monotonous and boring for students. This, influences student learning outcomes. The effort to avoid such things, then a teacher must use a variety of learning methods and fun. So that learning goals can be achieved well.

This study aims to determine the results of experimental class and control classroom and see the effect of Mind Mapping method on biology learning outcomes of students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 1 Padang. In this research used random sampling technique which is also called simple random sampling, then got XI IPA 1 as experiment class and XI IPA 2 as control. The results of this study showed the students' learning outcomes with the average grade of the experimental class 73.53 and the control class 38.69. Hypothesis test by using t test obtained tcount 8.45> ttable 1.68 (α 0.05), mean H1 accepted. Based on the data it can be concluded that there is influence of learning outcomes between students who were taught by Mind Mapping method and who was taught by conventional learning. Learning by Mapping Method method gives a mastery of student learning outcomes by 85%. Learning with Mind Mapping method is a new technique in learning strategy that can be used by the teacher, so it can be a reference for other researchers who want to do further research.

Keywords: Learning Science, Mind Mapping, learning outcomes



