Study Motivation Student Learning Following Penjasorkes LearningIn SMP Negeri 15 Padang
Learning motivation can arise because of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. The theory used in this research is the theory of intrinsic motivation proposed by Sardiman (2012: 90), Muhibbin Shah (2009: 151). As for extrinsic motivation put forward Winkel (2007: 27), Sardiman (2012: 90). This study aims to find out how the Motivation of Student Learning Following Learning Penjasorkes At SMP Negeri 15 Padang, which can be seen in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The type of this research is quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study were 450 male and female students. Sampling technique was taken by Stratified Proportional Random Sampling, where the sample was taken 16,7% from total population of 450 children of class VII and VIII with sample 75 people. Technique of collecting data by observation and spreading of questionnaire to student of daughter who have been selected become sample. Data analysis technique is to use descriptive statistics with frequency tabulation.
Based on the analysis found that intrinsic motivation factor obtained level of achievement equal to 76,65%, If seen from average of statement answered by respondent to criteria strongly agree (SS) equal to 17,21% or 13 people, criterion agree (S) equal to 53 , 65% or 40 people, hesitant criteria (RG) of 24.51% or 18 persons, disagree criteria (TS) of 4.63% or 3 persons, and criteria strongly disagree (STS) does not exist. For extrinsic motivation found for extrinsic motivation factor obtained level of achievement equal to 76,4%. When viewed average from statement answered by respondent to criteria strongly agree (SS) equal to 14,20% or 11 people, criterion agree (S) equal to 57.97% or 43 people, hesitant criteria (RG) of 23.77% or 18 persons, disagree criteria (TS) of 4.06% or 3 persons, and criteria strongly disagree (STS) does not exist.
The result of the research stated that the motivation of learning of Junior High School Junior High School 15 Padang is in the category classification simply, because the achievement level 76,5% It means that students have enough motivation in following penjasorkes learning, and this is very important in the smooth process of implementation of learning penjasorkes .
Keywords: Student Motivation