Enhancement Of Students Writing SkillsClass Ii Through The Picture And Picture Model InSD Negeri 13 Kapalo Koto Pedang City.


  • Mellya . Agustin
  • Marsis . .
  • Zulfa . Amrina





Agustin,Mellya. 2017. Enhancement Of Students Writing SkillsClass Ii Through The Picture And Picture Model InSD Negeri 13 Kapalo Koto Pedang City.


Bung Hatta University

Advisor      : 1. Dr. Marsis, M. Pd.

                      2. Dra. ZulfaAmrina, M. Pd.



                    Writing is a language skill used to communicate indirectly. Writing includes productive and expressive activities because writing means conveying ideas, ideas, opinions, or thoughts and feelings (Tarigan, 2008: 3). Writing has an important role because by writing then one can improve intelligence, develop creativity, foster courage, and stimulate the will and gather information. Writing becomes an efficient and effective means of communication to reach a wide audience.

                    Based on the results of observations in class II SDN 13 Kapalo Koto Pauh, found problems in learning, including low teacher skills, low student activity, and student learning outcomes in writing a low description.To overcome these problems, applied Picture and Picture model in learning to write description of Indonesian language. The purpose of this study is to improve teacher skills, increase student activity, and improve student learning outcomes through the application of Picture and Picture models.

                    This action study was carried out in two research cycles, each of 2 meeting cycles. The subjects of this study were teachers and 32 students of grade II SDN 13 Kapalo Koto Pauh. The data of the research are quantitative and qualitative data analyzed using descriptive analysis technique.

                    The variables of this study are (1) learning outcomes, (2) teacher skills, and (3) student activities. From the research results can be seen that: (1) student learning outcomes in the form of writing skills description at the end of the cycle I obtained an average score of 72 and 72% classical completeness of learning, at the end of cycle II got an average score of 80 and classical learning completeness of 94 %, (2) the teacher's skill in cycle I got the average score of 31 with good criteria and in cycle II got the average score of 36 with very good criteria, (3) student activity on cycle I get the average score 25.8 with good criterion and on cyclus II get average score 29,5 with good criterion, conclusion of this research is applying Picture and Picture model can improve teacher skill, student activity, and result of learning in the form of skill of writing description of student class II SDN 13 Kapalo Koto Pauh. Suggestion of this research is teacher should get used to apply Picture and Picture model in learning write description as effort to improve student learning result in writing description skill.


Keywords: write description, Indonesian, Picture and Picture.



















