Application Of Learning Active Type Learning Tournament To Improve Activity And Learning Result Of Student Math Mathematics On Students Of Grade Iv Sdn 16 Tapan .


  • Vanda . Satriana
  • Fazri . Zuzano
  • Marsis . .




Satriana ,Vanda.2010. Application Of Learning Active Type Learning Tournament
 To Improve Activity And Learning Result Of Student Math Mathematics On  Students Of Grade Iv Sdn 16 Tapan . The Elementry School Theacher’s Education Program.Bung Hatta University.

Advisior : 1. Drs.Fazri Zuzano,M.Si.

                 2. Dr.Marsis,M.Pd.


This research originated from the author's experience during teaching mathematics in class IV SDN 16 Tapan. Ordinary learning that the author apply to explain the material, give examples, and give the problem to do then give PR. This method is always the author used in teaching mathematics, was not able to increase the activity and learning outcomes of mathematics students. One of the efforts that can be done is to use active learning type learning tournament, in active learning type learning tournament students not only sit listening to teacher explanation, they can discuss to understand the material, in addition to competition or competition also become part of active learning, can foster the spirit of students to learn.

The formulation of the problem in this research is "whether the application of active learning type Learning Tournament can increase the learning activity in fourth grade students of SDN 16 Tapan and whether the application of active learning type Learning Tournament can improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SDN 16 Tapan".

This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) conducted to fourth graders of SDN 16 Tapan in the even semester of academic year 2017/2018, with the subject matter of addition and reduction of integer. This research is conducted in 2 (two) cycles where each cycle is held 2 (two) meetings.

Based on the results of the study can diketah ui that student activity has increased from cycle I to cycle II. In the first cycle there were 66.7% of students who actively recorded the summary, 27.8% of students who actively inquired, 27.8% of students who actively answered questions, 72.2% of active students doing the exercises, 55.6% of active students 5.6% of students actively present the results of work and 38.9% of active students make conclusions at the end of learning and in the second cycle there are 88.9% of students who actively recorded the summary, 77.8% of students who actively asked, 77.2% students who actively answered the questions, 100% of the students were active in the exercises, 94.4% of the students were actively cooperating, 16.7% of the students were active in presenting the work and 83.3% of the students were actively making conclusions at the end of the lesson. The result of learning mathematics of students with active learning type learning tournament has increased from cycle I to cycle II. This is seen from the percentage of students who complete the daily test in cycle I 27.78% increased to 88.89% in cycle II.


Keywords: Active Learning, Learning Tournament


