Self Concept Relations With Learning Outcomes In Science Learning (Biology) Students Class X In SMA N 1 Sipora"


  • . Wildawarti
  • Wince Hendri
  • Nawir Muhar


Teachers need to create a school situation that can develop students' positive self-concepts eg by giving rewards and encouragement. The teacher should also make all students successful in learning and avoid negative self-concept. Because self concept is the main foundation of success of learning process (Gunawan, 2012: 17). This study aims to determine the relationship of self-concept with the results of biology students learning grade X SMA N 1 Sipora.

          This research is descriptive research and population in this research is 167 students of class X SMA N 1 Sipora registered in semester 1 academic year 2017/2018, with sample 41 student. The variables of this research are Variable X (Self concept) and Variable Y (learning result). Data collected by distributing a questionnaire consisting of 30 statement items. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 with correlation formula.

          In self concept variable with student biology learning result obtained correlation (r) equal to 0,891 with very strong correlation category. This shows the greater the self-concept score the higher the students' biology learning outcomes in accordance with Epstein's opinion cited by Mudjiran (1973: 152).

          There is a significant correlation between self-concept with the result of biology student learning of grade X SMA N 1 Sipora year 2017/2018 with correlation value 0,891 with very strong category, level of social self concept (3.09 ± 0,55) with high interpretation , the average value of self-concept related to emotional (2.76 ± 0.65) with high interpretation, the mean value of self-concept related to knowledge (2.99 ± 0.65) with high interpretation.


Keywords: Self concept, student learning result



