Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Using Handouts Nuanced Pop-up On Material Circulatory System In Humans Interrupted VIII SMP Kartika 1 – 7 Padang.


  • Ahmad Hendryan
  • Erman Har
  • Lisa Deswati


Based on the observation and interview of the writer with one of the teachers of SMP Kartika 1-7 Padang, that the learning process tends to focus on the teacher. Although various efforts have been made in improving the quality of Biology education, but the fact of Biology learning result is still low this can be seen from the average value of daily replication grade of biology of circulatory system semester odd circle is 66,58. According to Khoirudin. Dkk (2013: 2) one of the efforts undertaken is to improve teaching and learning in schools. In Indonesia, many teachers are still using the old learning model that is the teacher as the only source of science that transfer science absolutely without involving students as much as possible.

The population in the study were. The sample in this study used two classes of population that have been determined by Purposive Random Sampling sampling technique with the consideration of the determination of the sample class based on the approximate average value, whereas to determine the experimental class and the control class is done randomly. Based on the results from the study obtained validity test 0.49, 0.95 rebility, 0.44 and 0.35 diffuses and 0.35 differentiating power. So it can be concluded the question used for the final test as many as 20 questions that have the criteria quite valid, the reliability is very high, the index of moderate difficulty and sufficient distinguishing power.

From this research shows student learning outcomes with the average grade of experimental 80.21 with the percentage of student learning outcomes 78.26%, and control classes 71.19 with the percentage mastery of students learning outcomes 52.38%. Hypothesis test using t test in tcount value there are differences of learning result using Handout Nuanced Pop-Up with conventional learning and learning using Handout Nuanced Pop-Up is more effective than with conventional learning

In line with the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the learning in the form of media Handout Nuance Pop-Up is more effective than conventional learning, it is recommended to biology teachers in schools that science learning using handouts with pop-up nuances can be used as an alternative way of learning science in junior high schools especially on materials that require an understanding of certain parts such as the Human Circulatory System ..

Keywords: Science Learners, Pop-Up Nuanced Handouts, Learning Outcomes


