Application of Time Token Learning Model in Science Learning of fourth grade students of SD Semen Padang I


  • Yeffi Yelfika
  • Erman Har
  • Erwinsyah Satria


Learning outcomes is a benchmark used to determine the success rate of learners in knowing and understanding a subject, through the process of teaching and learning is expected learners gain knowledge, and changes to him. One of the learning models that can influence student learning outcomes for the better is the Time Token learning model. According to Lucky, (2013: 6) The Time Token Learning Model can train the students to be more creative in understanding the subject matter, and can build cooperation with group members to discuss and train courage to present the results of their discussion to the class. So it can improve science learning outcomes.
The type of research is experimental research. The population of this research is all of fourth grade students of SD Semen Padang I. This research uses both sample class that is experiment class and control class. How to determine the experimental class and control class is done by selecting the Total Sampling technique. To determine the experiment class and control class the researcher uses the lot lottery method. By taking a roll of paper containing the class name. Based on the lottery, the class IVA is defined as the experimental class and the IVB class as the control class. In this study, the instrument used is a test instrument. Data analysis was performed by normality test, homogeneity, and hypothesis with the help of lilifors test, F test, and equality two equation test formula.
This study aims to determine the difference of science learning outcomes of students using Time Token learning model is better than the results of science learning students whose learning applying conventional learning in grade IV SD Semen Padang I. The results menunujukan science learning classes experimental class is 88 and the control class ie 75.13. The result of the hypothesis test which analyzed in the experimental class and control class is obtained 3.58 whereas 2.02 then the hypothesis can be accepted.
So it can be concluded that there is a difference between learning learning science and conventional learning with Time Token learning model in the fourth grade of SD Semen Padang I. Looking at the results of science learning using Time Token learning model is better than the result of science learning with conventional learning, the teacher should be able to apply Time Token learning model in an effort to improve science learning outcomes in the future.

Keywords: Time Token Learning Model, Science Learning Outcomes


