The Speech of the Minangkabau Language Declaration of Traditional Foot Market at Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok". Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, B


  • Febrio .
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


Simply put, language can be interpreted as a tool to convey something that comes to mind. However, language is more of a tool for interacting or communicating tools to convey thoughts, ideas or feelings. Language in its use is divided into two, namely writing language and spoken language. A language branch that studies languages based on context is pragmatic. According to (Yule 2006: 5) pragmatics is one branch of linguistics that studies the language from an external point of emphasis is more on the use of language in the said situation. In the situation said there is a speech event. Speech events are the occurrence or duration of interaction in the form of speech that involves two parties speakers and opponents said. Speech action is the ability of an individual to perform acts of speech that have a specific purpose in accordance with the situation. Thus, the event speech and speech act is the ongoing speech interaction involving two speakers and the opponent said in conveying an intent of the narrative. The form of speech that is widely found and in accordance with the context of speech is a speech act conducted by street vendors and buyers during interaction buying and selling in the market. One of them is interaction in Market Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok Regency.

This type of research is a qualitative research that produces descriptive data. Researchers take this method because the data collected in the form of words and sentences is not a number but he obtained is descriptive in the form of speech from a peddler in Market Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok District.

In this section the acts of the declaration contained in the peddler's pedestal in Market Alahan Panjang are reviewed based on the objectives: (1) the declaration decides, (2) the canceling sentence, (3) the prohibited speech and (4) the allowing speech. At the time of taking the data, the merchant's speech found was 82 speech data in the form of conversations that can be grouped as follows: speech acts speech deciding 47 data speech, speech acts canceling as much as 7 data speech, speech acts prohibit 3 data speech, and acts allow as much as 25 speech data.

Based on the results of research and data analysis, it is concluded that the act of speech traders to buyers in the market Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok district in the form of declaration. This can be seen when many merchants and buyers use the word decide, cancel, ban, and allow at the time of sale and purchase take place. The traders' speech on the most dominant act of speech declaration used by the merchant in the market is the act of choosing to decide because the speech acts done by the speaker decide something. The data is 47 data from 82. Furthermore, the act of canceling speech is a utterance that states something that can not be implemented, the data is 7 data from 82. After that, the act of speech prohibits speakers with the aim of the opponent said not to do something. The data are 3 data from 82. In addition, the act of allowing speech aims to allow the opposite to allow something. The data are 3 data from 82 speech data.


Keywords: speech acts, declarations, Minangkabau language, and traders.


