increase of class IPS learning activity v Through the cooperative learning model script in SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam Padang


  • Rudi Anto Rasidt
  • Muhammad . Sahnan
  • M . Tamrin


 Executive summary




Rasidt, Rudi anto.2018. increase of class IPS learning activity v

             Through the cooperative learning model script in SDN 20

             Dadok Tunggul Hitam Padang


Advisors: 1. Dr. Muhammad Shanan M.Pd

                  2. M.Tamrin S. Ag, M.Pd


            Student learning activity is a series of activities that students do in learning pebelajaran because the behavior lakubelajar for students, for example from who do not know to know, or from not able to be able (Sardiman 2011: 110). IPS is a study midwife who applies analyzing, socializing symptoms and social problems in society by arranging various life forms or an addiction.

M. Ridwan (2015: 85). "The cooperative learning model of the script is a model of learning in groups of 4-5 people suitable to answer the questions at the time of the assessment.This research conducts this research with the aim to improve student learning activities.

           Subjects in this research are class V students in SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam which requires 14 students, consisting of 8 female students and 6 male students in this research, the research used several instruments to collect data that is: observation sheet of teacher activity, observation sheet of student activity sheet, test of student learning result and camera.

           The result of the increase of student activity in cycle I is 45% and increase in cycle II with percentage 82,05% and attendance level in cycle I is 50% and increase in cycle II with percentage 82,05% hence this research hypothesis accepted

           Based on the analysis of the research results can be concluded, through cooperative script method can increase the learning activity IPS class V student. General Research so that teachers can choose and use the appropriate learning model in teaching.




Key words: Team assisted individualisation, learning activities, IPS


