The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model Type Make A Match To Student Learning Outcomes Student Class V SD Negeri 01 Sungai Aur


  • Muhammad Yusuf
  • Hendra Hidayat
  • Rieke Alyusfitri


Education is an effort to build a fully qualified human as desired. Education among others can be pursued through the learning process. This learning process is the core of education as a whole. According to Susanto (2014: 84), Education is an organized effort, planning and going on continuously throughout life to foster students become paripura man, and cultured. To achieve this education the principle of education should be oriented to the development of all aspects of potential students, including cognitive aspects, effective, and has implications for psychomotor aspects.The population in this study were all students of class V SDN 01 Sungai Aur in the academic year 2017/2018. The number of sample members in this study were 54 students with sampling technique using Total Sampling. Technique of collecting data in this research is by using test. The data required in this study is quantitative data obtained after the final test on the research object. Quantitative data obtained from student learning outcomes in the cognitive domain level C1 (Knowledge), and C2 (understanding).The results obtained showed that the results of the study were given in the form of the final test in the experimental class and control class with the average of experimental class 79,81 and the control class 65,77. Statistically the experimental class learning result using the Make A Match learning model. After data analysis and hypothesis testing on learning outcomes, then obtained tcount > ttable where 4,22 > 2,00. This means the hypothesis in this study H1 accepted that there is influence of science learning outcomes of students who use the model of cooperative learning type Make A Match on the results of students learning class V on science learning in SDN 01 Sungai Aur. Thus it can be concluded that the learning that uses the learning model Make A Match Higher than student learning outcomes that achieve mastery of student learning outcomes that use conventional learning.Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is influence of the use of Make A Match learning model on the learning outcomes of class V students on cognitive aspects in SD Negeri 01 Sungai Aur. For teachers expected this research can be used as a reference in the implementation of learning by using the Make A Match model in science learning in accordance with the material to be taught.


