Improvement of Class IV Student Learning Activities On Ips Lesson Through Think Talk Write Learning Strategy At 047 / Xi Koto Baru Sdn


  • Eko . Helpiandri
  • Muhammad . Sahnan
  • Yulfia . Nora


Excecutive Summary Eko, Helpiandri.2018. Improvement of Class IV Student Learning Activities On Ips Lesson Through Think Talk Write Learning Strategy At 047 / Xi Koto Baru Sdn


Pembimbing:1. Dr. Muhammad Sahnan, M.Pd

2. Yulfia Nora, S.Pd, M.Pd

Education as a system of educating children of the nation, is expected to empower students to be intelligent, knowledgeable and experienced people.

According to the Law on National Education System (Sisdiknas) no. 20 Year 2003 article 3 that national education function to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of the nation, aimed at the development of the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and cautious to the God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen.

The purpose of this research is to describe the increase of discussion activity and to make the conclusion of the fourth grade students on Social Studies lesson about Social Problem through Think Talk Write Strategy at SDN 047 / XI Kot Baru. This type of research is a classroom action research. The research instruments are observation sheet of teacher activity, observation sheet of student learning activity and test result sheet. The subjects of this study are students of class IV which amounted to 20 students.

The results of the research in two cycles showed an increase in IPS Learning Activities through Think Talk Write Strategy. Student activity in discussion at cycle I that is 45% experience improvement in cycle II 82,05% and activity make conclusion at cycle I that is 50% have improvement in cycle II become 82,05%. It can be concluded, through Think Talk Write Strategy can improve the learning activity of IPS students of class IV. Researchers suggest that teachers can choose and use appropriate learning models in teaching, including using Think Talk Write Strategies to improve IPS learning activities and outcomes.

Keywords: Activity, Think Talk Write, IPS.


