The Influence of Planted Question Model on Class V Learning Outcomes At IPS Learning In SDN 32 Muara Air Haji Pesisir Selatan.


  • Irma . Yuliza
  • Muhammad . Sahnan
  • Yulfia . Nora


Executive Summary

Yuliza, Irma. 2018. The Influence of Planted Question Model on Class

V Learning Outcomes At IPS Learning In SDN 32 Muara Air Haji Pesisir Selatan. Skripsi. Primary Teacher Education. Bung Hatta University.


                        Advisors :        1. Dr. Muhammad Sahnan, M.Pd

                                                2. Yulfia Nora, S.Pd., M.Pd

The Planted Question model is a model that can present information in the form of responses to questions that have been previously given to certain learners (Istarani, 2012: 208). This model emphasizes students to be more active in asking and being brave. Planted Question is an activity to provide information in response to questions ever given to selected learners (Silberman, 2009: 147). That is, the model of Planted Question can help learners become more active by involving learners to think of many questions and be able to present it well and full of courage. Related to this, the researcher conducted this research with the aim to know the Influence of Planted Question Model on Student Result of Class V Learning at IPS Learning at SDN 32 Muara Air Haji Pesisir Selatan.

The population in this study is all students of class V SDN 32 Muara Air Haji, amounting to 44 students. Sample in this research is taken by purposive sampling technique which yield two sample class consisting of experiment class that is VA class consisting of 24 students and control class that is VB class consisting of 20 students. Independent variable in this research is Planted Question Model, while the dependent variable is the result of IPS learning. The data collected in the form of students' IPS learning outcomes. Data collection techniques in this study using the final test. Hypothesis testing using t-test formula that preceded by normality test and homogeneity test.

The results of this study indicate that there is influence of IPS learning result between experimental class that apply Planted Question model and control class by applying conventional learning method. This is indicated by the t-test that is tcount 2.12> ttable 1.68 at significant level significant 0,05. The average result of post test experimental class score of 85.83 is better than the average result of control class post test that is 78 and KKM 75.

In line with the results of the research that has been described, it can be concluded that the experimental class using the Planted Qusetion model has an effect on the IPS learning outcomes. In relation to this conclusion, it is suggested to the teacher to develop the model of Planted Question so that the learning can run smoothly and as expected.

                        Keywords: Planted Question, IPS Learning Outcomes.



