Application of Learning Model of Discovery Learning on Science Learning of Grade IV SDN 01 Sungai Aur


  • Syafrihandi .
  • Erman Har
  • Rona Taula Sari


Education is an effort to build a fully qualified human as desired. Education among others can be pursued through the learning process. This learning process is the core of education as a whole. According Indrianti (2012: 1) states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners can actively develop its potential.               Population is the whole of the object of research. According Sugiyono (2012: 80) "Population is a generalization region consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population in this study were all students of grade IV SDN 01 Sungai Aur. class IVA Number of students 22 Students and grade IVB Number of Students 25 Students, so the number of all students of grade IV SDN 01 Sungai Aur is 45 students Students .. Technique Sampling using porposiv sampling, data collection techniques in this study is the result of learning student ipa. Based on data collected. Then the data collection technique used is to give pre-test conducted before giving the treatment of learning using the last experimental method to provide post-test conducted after giving the treatment of learning using experimental method               Student learning outcomes in the field of cognitive science learning using Discovery Learning learning model is higher than the conventional learning model. The average value for the experimental class is 88.44 with the percentage of 87.50% complete, while the average value of the control class is 78.81 with the percentage of completeness 80.95%. The result of hypothesis test in cognitive domain by using statistical test shows that thitung> ttable (3,43> 2.03), hence there is difference of result of student learning in cognitive field in science learning by using learning model of Discovery Learning and conventional learning method in class IV SD Negeri 01 Sungai Aur.               Based on the results of research obtained, it is suggested in the implementation of learning with the use of learning model Discovery Learning is as follows: For students, expected more active again and obey the rules in the learning process, because it is very supportive of mastery of subject matter. For teachers in SD Negeri 01 Sungai Aur, it is expected that in the implementation of learning by using the learning model of Discovery Learning can be used as an alternative variation in the implementation of learning in the class later


Keywords: Keyword Model: Discovery Learning and Science Learning Outcomes


