Improved Reading Skills to Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Students in Indonesian Language Learning through Word Square Model at SDN 13 Koto Alam Tanah Datar District


  • Regid Prawafdi
  • Syofiani .
  • Yulfia Nora


Learning outcomes have an important role in the learning process. For that teachers have to design and choose a model of learning that can affect student learning outcomes for the better. One of the learning models that are expected to influence student learning outcomes to be better is the Word Square learning model. According to Istarani (2012: 92), learning with Word Square is the presentation of the material by shading the boxes on the crossword during the learning process takes place.

The method of research used is classroom action research. Subjects in this study were all students of class IV which amounted to 23 people. In this study, the instruments used were teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets, and test result sheets. Data analysis was done using quantitative and qualitative methods.

               This study aims to describe the improvement of learning outcomes of Indonesian students grade IV SDN 13 Koto Alam Tanah Datar by using Word Square model. Data obtained from teacher activity and student learning outcomes. The results showed that the percentage of completeness of the students' daily test results on the second cycle as a whole has been very good because the percentage of students UH score is 95.45% in the final test of cycle II and has reached the set target that is 75%.

               Thus it can be concluded that the Word Square model can improve reading skills in the heart of fourth graders on learning Indonesian. This result is because the Word Square learning model has a positive impact on the learning result of Indonesian students, therefore the teacher should use this learning model in the learning process.


Keywords: reading skills, word square, Indonesian



