Motivation Learning with Student Results Class VIII in the Subject of Physical Education Sport and Health (Penjasorkes) in SMP Negeri 27 Padang


  • Ahmad Rajab
  • Yaslindo .
  • Yuni Astuti


Education is one important aspect that determines a State is said to be a developed country or not. To that end, the government consciously makes improvements and improvements to the quality of education in Indonesia. One of the government's efforts in improving the quality of education is by launching a compulsory education program for all school-aged children in Indonesia.

This type of research is correlational is the research in question to know whether there is a relationship between two or several variables (Arikunto, 2013: 247). With the technique of correlation researchers can know the relationship of variation in a variable with other variations. The magnitude or height of the relationship is expressed in terms of correlation.

Learning outcomes are an expected outcome of the learning that has been established in the formulation of certain behaviors (Nyayu, 2016: 189). According to Sudijarto in Khodijah (2016: 189), learning outcomes are the level of statements achieved by students in following the learning program in accordance with established educational goals. Therefore student learning outcomes include three aspects, namely: cognitive aspects, effective aspects, and psychomotor aspects.

Motivation to learn have a significant relation with result study of  student oclass VIII in subject physical and sport of health (Penjasorkes) at SMP Negeri 27 Padang with correlation coefficient = 0,2725 at α = 0,05rxy (correlation coefficient) = 0,4244> rtab0 , 2725. This means that student learning outcomes are influenced by learning motivation.

Keywords: Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes


