Mixing Code of Multi Language Community District Lunang Village LunangSilaut South Pesisir Regency. Essay.English Department, Bung Hatta University


  • Eka Rohadi
  • . Syofiani
  • Romi Isnanda


In everyday life, Indonesian people generally use two languages when communicating, this causes the occurrence of language contact events in the form of code mix (Sumarsono: 2002: 202). Mixed code is the use of two or more languages or two variants of a language in a community speech with the condition there is a main code or basic code that is used and has its functions and autonomy, while the other codes involved in the event said it is just a flake- only pieces without their autonomy functions as a code (Chaer and Agustina: 2010: 114). In this regard, the researchers conducted this study with the aim to describe the types and causes of mixed codes.

The data in this research is public speech in daily communication in Lunang Village, LunangSilaut Sub-District, SouthPesisir Regency. The amount of data collected there are 58 data, the object is 3 families and 1 group of playmates who do the code mix in LunangSilaut village. Data collection techniques in this study is the recording of public utterance using voice recorder.

The results of this study indicate there are 2 types of mixed code that is mixed into the code and mix the code out. The form of mixed code into that found in this study as many as 57 data and the form of mixed code out that found in research as much as 1 data. Mixed codes occur because of role identification, identification of variance and desire to explain and interpret.

In line with the research findings discussed above, it can be concluded that in daily communicating communities in LunangSilaut often use mixed code due to the variety of languages. In connection with these conclusions, it is suggested to other researchers to be able to make this research as a comparative material or guideline to conduct the same research with different aspects, objects and subjects.

Keywords: Mixed code, code mixed type, causes code interference.


