The Use of Effective Sentences in Official Letters at the Office of the National Land Agency of Padang City." Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta Univers


  • Kiki Nofika Sari
  • Marsis .
  • Gusnetti .


Language is a means of communication for humans, Humans functioning the language into a means of interconnection between humans one with other humans. Chaer (2006: 1) says language is a sound symbol system, arbitrary, used by a speech community to work together, communicate, and identify themselves, Based on the expert's opinion it can be understood that language is a tool that plays an important role in communicating. Aspects of language skills include listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. One such skill is writing skills, such as writing personal letters, business letters and commercial letters, Writing skills can also be used as a medium in communicating without having to face to face with others. Tarigan (2008: 3) writing is an activity of language skills needed to communicate indirectly, not face to face with others. In order to avoid errors in the writing of letters, especially in official letters, it is necessary precision and accuracy with regard to the use of EBI (Spelling Indonesian) and the writing of the word correctly, then the writing of parts of the letter must be in accordance with the rules of language and effective sentences. According to the author's observations in general, the letter out language in the office of the National Land Agency of Padang City there is still found errors in the writing of official letters that are not in accordance with the rules and effective sentence, Based on the description, the writer interested to know the extent of the ability of the City Land Agency Padang in writing a formal letter with the title of research "Utilization of Effective Sentences in the Official Letter at the Office of the National Land Agency of Padang City."               The type of research used in this study is qualitative research. Moleong (2012: 4) defines that qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and observed behavior.               According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) the term certificate is described as a written sign or certificate or an event. This indicates that BPN as a land instasion is likely to be negligent because it does not comply with the Act. No.24 / 2009 Article 30 Indonesian language must be used in public administration service in government institution, so National Land Agency should use good and correct Indonesian language, therefore certificate book should be changed with book "Certificate" written with letter "F ", Not the letter" P. "For teachers of Indonesian language, to be further enhanced in providing material about the official letter. For other researchers, as input in doing further research.               Based on data analysis at outgoing mail at the office of the National Land Agency of Padang City, there are 15 data that is invitation letter 9 data, application letter 4 data, letter 1 data and information letter 1 data. Most errors are found in parts of the letter (1) poor use of EBI, (2) incomplete parts of the mailing address and salam cover, (3) the use of effective sentences found many unclear sentences, not concise, not straightforward, and (4) non-standard language. Based on the research, it is concluded that the effective use of sentences and parts of outgoing mail at the office of the National Land Agency of Padang City is still not good. Keywords: effective sentence, official letter, office of National Land Agency of Padang City


