The Position of Women in Novel Women at The Point of Zero Creation Nawal El-Saadawi. “ Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, Pada


  • Rike Yolanda Siregar
  • Syofiani .
  • Dainur Putri


The Novel of women at the point of zero creation Nawal El-Saadawi is a story that contains a women position on the based on stratification. Firdaus as the main character in the novel of women at the point of zero creation Nawal El-Saadawi is very inspiring to the readers with a very strong struggle and courage to achieve the same position with men Sunarto (2004). Based on the above the writer is interested to do research with title of women position in novel women at the point of zero creation Nawal El-Saadawi.


This type of research is qualitative research by using descriptive method. This research data is a word or dialogue contained in the novel of women at the point of zero creation Nawal El-Saadawi and analyzed in a way (1) collected data according to aspects to be researched  (2) analyzing research data according to aspects researched (3) classify data that are collected based on the aspects researched.


The results of this research indicate that the data found as many as 45 data that is (1) 5 in the field education (2) 8 in the field work (3) 29 in the field income (4) 1 in the field political and (5) 11 in the field family. The dominant data in this research is in the field of income. In line with the findings of this research discussed above it can be concluded that the position of women based on stratification of the main character Firdaus in the novel at the point of zero creation Nawal El-Saadawi does not proper position as a women, because the main character of Firdaus has the limitation to get proper position as a women.


Suggestions to be conveyed are as follows for: literary readers should be able to take the values of positive and avoid the values of negative, for students especially The Field of Study of Indonesian Language and Literature research on the position of women in researched to be further based on stratification in other aspects, so as to appreciate and respect the existence of women as social beings, for others research should understand more intensive novel to be analyzed and who want to examine the same problems for other novel can guide the technique or use other techniques especially the issue of the position of women.


Keyword: Position, women, novel


