A Style of Rhetorical Language and Figurative in Tamu Novel by Wisran Hadi.”Educational Program of Studies Indonesian Language and Literature, Language and Art Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, Padang


  • Melda Mansur
  • Marsis .
  • Dainur Putri


Novel as a fiction that offers a world, a world that contains an idealized life model of an imaginative world, which is awakened through its various intrinsic element such as events, plot, (and Characterization), background, point of view and other, also imaginative thing (Nurgiantoro, 2010:4).Good or bad thingof the novel, it depends on the style of the author to convey the story to the readers through the language style as the elements. Muhardi and Hasanudin WS (2010:35) statedthe talk of language style concerns the author’s ability to use language as medium of fiction. The use of written language should be utilized as well as possible by the author. The use of language should be relevant and encourage the problems that could be proposed; being harmonious with the techniques proposed; and must precisely formulate the flow, characterization, background and mandate so that any weakness of the language can be utilized with the best,to create the necessary tension (suprence) and fictional tricks. To understand the extent of the use of language by the author as well as see the characteristics conducted research by focusing on the elements of the style of language.Thus,this research topic is “Rhetorical and Figurative Style in Tamu Novel by WisranHadi.”

                             Type of this research used is qualitative research. Moleong (2012: 4) defines that the qualitative research in a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and an observed behavior.

            Based on the data analysis, the language style contained in Tamu novel by WisranHadi as many as nine languages style with 41 data which was analyzed by using the theories put forward by the 2009 GorysKeraf. Nine types of language syles in which there is a rhetorical style of the covers language style repetition 1 data, hyperbola 4 data,  than figurative language style includes simile 5 data, metaphor 11 data, personification 10 data, epithet 4 data, synecdoche 3 data, sense 1 data and sarcasm 2 data.

            The dominant language style which is in novel Tamu by WisranHadi is themetaphor language style with amount 11 data of 41 data. It is also used in novel Tamu by WisranHadi, since the novel used Indonesia and Minang language that contained the figurative that aimed to compare the expression that has the literal meaning and giving the aesthetic impression in delivering.

Keyword: Language style, Rhetorical and Figurative, Novel Tamu.


