Application of Demonstration Method In Science Learning of IV Grade Students of SDN 19 Pasar Ambacang


  • Utari Ardiyanti
  • Hendra Hidayat
  • Siska Angreni


Learning outcomes have an important role in the learning process. For that teachers have to design and choose a model of learning that can affect student learning outcomes for the better. One of the learning methods that are expected to influence student learning outcomes to be better is the method of Demonstration learning. Istarani (2012: 101) states that "This method of demonstration is a method of teaching by demonstrating, occurring, rules, and sequencing performing an activity either directly or through the use of instructional media relevant to the subject being presented".The type of this research is Experimental Research. The population of this research is all students of class IV SDN SDN 19 Ambacang Market Padang Academic Year 2017/2018 as many as 42 students. To determine the experiment class and the control class is taken in total sampling. The determination of experimental class and control class was done randomly, so that the class IV A was obtained as an experimental class with students number 21 students and class IV B as control class with 21 students. The data in this study were obtained by giving the final test to the two sample classes.`This study aims to prove whether the results of science learning students using Demonstration Method is better than the results of science learning students using conventional methods in class IV SDN 19 Ambacang Market. The results showed that the learning outcomes of science in the experimental class were 83.57 and the control class was 82.14. Data were analyzed using t-test. Based on the data analysis obtained tcount = 3.24 and ttable = 1.68 ie t_hitung> t_table then hypothesis H1 accepted.  So it can be concluded that there are differences in science learning outcomes between conventional models with methods Demonstration in class IV SDN 19 Ambacang Market. Looking at the results of IPA study using Demonstration method gives better result than conventional learning model, then the teacher should be able to use this learning method in the learning process in the future. Keywords: Demonstration Method, Learning Outcomes, Science.


