Inner Conflicts of The Figure in Novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma". Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University


  • Agung Lendra
  • Gusnetti .
  • Dainur Putri


Discussing about literary works cannot be separated from humans and the environment. According to Nurgiyantoro (2010: 6) literature is a type of writing that has meaning and meaning or form of the expression of one's feelings towards life that poured into the sentence. Many problems that occur in the real life presented by the author in a work to make literature containsaspects -a lot of psychological aspect. According Minderop (2011: 54) literary psychology is a literary study that is believed to reflect the process and psychological activities. The theory used to analyze it is by using the theory of Sigmund Freud ie id, ego and superego, The novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza raised the problem of the inner conflict of the life of the characters in the novel, on the basis of that problem about the inner conflict that is in the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza is interesting to study.

            This research type is qualitative research by using descriptive method. This method is used to describe the inner conflicts of the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma. According to Kirk Miller in Moleong (2010: 4) the object of research is the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma. The focus of this research is about the inner conflict of characters contained in the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma.

Having inventoried the conflict of character in Novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma, there are 60 data consist of: value (1) aspect Id counted 31 data, (2) Ego aspect counted 25 data, and (3) superego aspect counted 4 data. The novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma illustrates the conflict experienced by the figures that is the problem of fighting with the Israel army. With this aspect of id aspiration that dominates this eleven-year-old girl, she makes another aspect of the ego and superego aspects not functioning properly. Basically, at the age of eleven, man is concerned only with the principle of pleasure for himself, the Palestinian figure dominant aspect is the asp seen when he cried and unable to hold back his tears because he saw his mother and two brothers died from the bomb dropped by Israel right on the roof of his house. Basically Palestine is a strong boy.

Based on the results of the research analysis can be concluded that first, the aspects of the characters in the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by vanny chrisma is; the main character of Palestine is very dominant in the aspect id. Second, the aspect of the character ego in the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by Vanny Chrisma namely; figures around the main figure of Palestine are very dominant in this aspect, can be seen from one of the Yanaan figures who can control his emotions, Third, superego figure aspects in the novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza by vanny chrisma can be seen from the main figure of Palestine when he is not want to change the name given by his parents.

Keyword: Inner Conflicts, Aspects of id, ego and superego, Novel Gadis Kecil di Tepi Gaza.


